TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“When George retired, Jill stepped forward to ____ his role.” Fill in the blank. A. apply B. subsume C. usurp D. assume 「ジョージが定年退職した後、ジルが彼の役目を果たすようになりました」...

Trivia of the Week: Avocado

Although it’s green and not very sweet, avocado is actually a fruit. Avocados grow on trees and contain one large seed. Another name for avocado is “alligator pear”. We think avocados first came from Mexico. One popular avocado dish is guacamole, a dip for corn chips....

Idiom of the Week: Harp On

“I know the test is next week. You don’t have to harp on about it.” If someone keeps talking about a subject you don’t want to hear about, you can say they are “harping on”. Perhaps the talk is unnecessary, reminding you of something you haven’t forgotten, or perhaps...

Word of the Week: Lately

Doctor: “What seems to be the problem?” Patient: “I’ve just been so tired lately.” “Lately” is an adverb that means “in recent times”, similar to “recently”. If you meet a friend you haven’t seen in a while, you can ask, “How have you been lately?” If you have been...