Phrase of the Week: She hung up on me.

Ethel: “Hello, Janice? This is Ethel. I wanted to—Oh! She hung up on me! Can you believe it?” Hanging up on someone is ending a phone call before the conversation is finished. If you don’t want to talk to someone, you can hang up on them. However, they might be...

Trivia of the Week: Fireworks and Colors

What makes the different colors in fireworks? Different chemicals are added to each firework to give it color. For example, copper glows with a green or blue-green color, so it can be used to make bluish fireworks. Sodium makes fireworks yellow. Charcoal or iron can...

Kids Summer School 申込開始!

モダンイングリッシュ香里園では、キッズサマースクールを開催します。 英語を使って工作や科学実験など、楽しいアクティビティーをおこないます。夏休みの工作にもぴったり! 詳細は下記の通りです。どなたでも参加できますので、是非お早めにメールまたはお電話でお申し込み下さい。 日程 7/26(金)9:30~12:00 (2時間30分) 8/2 (金)9:30~12:00 (2時間30分) 8/9 (金)9:30~12:00 (2時間30分) 各クラス定員 10名 (対象年齢 幼稚園年少~小学6年生) 1回...

Idiom of the Week: Feeling Blue

Joel: *sigh* Fred: “What’s wrong?” Joel: “I don’t know…” Fred: “You know, when I’m feeling blue, I like to go on a walk in the park.” If a person is blue, it means that he or she feels sad. What can you do to cheer yourself up when you feel blue? ジョエル:(ため息)...