TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

The chef was renowned for his ______ skill. Fill in the blank. A. didactic B. pecuniary C. culinary D. dietary Aの「didactic」は何かを教えてくれる人やもののことを言う形容詞です。Bは「お金に関する」という形容詞です。この人はコックなので違います。Dは「食生活に関する」という意味なので近いですが、一番いいのは「料理に関する」という意味のCです。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...

Trivia of the Week: Carbon Copy

When you send an e-mail, you fill in the “To” and “Subject” fields. Have you ever used the “Cc” field? This will send a copy of the e-mail to an address that isn’t in the “To” field. “Cc” stands for “carbon copy”, which is an old way of making copies of documents. If...


妊婦さんたちの会員制コミュニティサイト(会員登録無料)「にんプリ」で サイモンとキャサリンが幼児英語教育について語ってます。 とても素敵なサイトですので、妊娠中・子育て中のお友達、お知合いに是非教えてあげてくださいね。 にんプリのインタビューは...

Idiom of the Week: A One-Track Mind

Tour guide: “When we reach the top of the hill, we’ll visit the museum—” Husband: “Is there food in the museum?” Wife: “Ignore him; he has a one-track mind.” If you are always thinking about a certain thing, people will say you have a one-track mind. In this example,...

Word of the Week: Velcro

Velcro is called “magic tape” in Japan. To seal or stick something with Velcro, you need two strips. One strip is fuzzy, and the other has many tiny hooks. The hooks stick to the fuzzy strip, but you can pull them apart with your hands....