TOEIC Practice Question #2

The tour includes neither lunch _________ dinner. A. and B. but C. nor D. or ランチもディナーもツアーに含まれない。ここは「does not include lunch or dinner」であれば「or」でいいのですが、「neither」の後は必ず「nor」になります。よって正解はC norです。   Do more TOEIC practice...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Fighto

In English, ‘fight’ (never with ‘o’ at the end), means a verbal argument or physical fight. When Japanese translate 頑張って!to ファイトー, it sounds very strange to native English speakers. E.g. ‘I’m meeting a new girl tomorrow.’ ‘Fight!’ – would give completely the wrong...

Word of the Week #2: hay fever (花粉症)

“Do you have a cold today?” “No, it’s hay fever.” 「今日は風邪をひいてるの?」「違うよ、花粉症です。」 Hay fever is similar to a cold, but it is caused by an allergic reaction to pollen. In spring, flowers and plants start to release pollen, and people with hay fever show symptoms such as...


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