
モダンイングリッシュでは東北地方の子供達の為に、無料または特別料金で英会話レッスンを行っています。現在、福島県南相馬市のお子さんとスカイプを使って無料で毎週レッスンを行っています。 詳細はこちら (1) 教室での授業を無料または特別割引 (2) 無料のインターネットレッスン(Skype等使用) (3) (1)(2)の授業、自宅学習で使用する教材Happy Valley Year 1を半額、その他の教材を25%割引 (4) モダンイングリッシュのオンラインスケジュールシステム「ライブスケジュール」の利用...

Picture of the Week: England: Gentlemen

This is a Victorian public toilet, referred to as the gents or ladies, loo or lav. Some gents of this kind had a small roof and were called cottages. Most are now disused. One in London has been converted into a nightclub. ジェントルメン これはヴィクトリア朝時代につくられた公衆便所です。「ジェンツ」(ジェ...

Modern English Phrase of the Week #1: Take a pew

In England, we say, “Take a pew,” to invite someone to sit down. In the U.S. we say, “Take a seat.” It is more casual than, “Please be seated.” Other things we “take” are a shower, a bath, a break, and a rest. You can invite people to take a break, but it may be...

TOEIC Practice Question #1

______ greyhounds love to run outdoors, they can often live happily in small apartments. A. Since B. Because C. Although D. In case...

Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: My Pace

In English we would say, ‘I go at my own pace.’ ‘My pace’ is never used in the third person, so when referring to another, we would say, ‘He goes at his own pace.’ The often-heard phrase, ‘She is my pace,’ is nonsensical in English and should be, ‘She does things at...