Picture of the Week: Bat

Bats are one of the scary animals we think of around Halloween. Is this bat scary? Or is it funny? Its tongue is sticking out. Maybe it’s just cute!...

Phrase of the Week: Speaking Of

“Speaking of Joe, did you know his daughter graduated high school?” “Speaking of cats, my friend is looking to adopt a kitten.”   We use “speaking of” to introduce a new topic that is related to something that has been mentioned. If the conversation turns to...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The train was ____ by a minor accident.” Fill in the blank. A. delayed B. late C. derail D. diluted 「電車がちょっとした事故のために遅れました。」 「The train was...

Trivia of the Week: Aspirin

People had known for a long time that willow tree bark had an ability to relieve pain. Modern aspirin was developed in the 19th century. The word “aspirin” started as a brand name of the company Bayer, but became a generic name for the drug. Aspirin is less popular...