執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月21日 | Words
“Cats lick their front paws and use them to wash their faces.” “The dog’s paws slipped on the ice.” Animals like cats and dogs don’t have hands and feet—they have paws instead. The fleshy lumps on the bottoms of their paws are called paw pads. Some animals,...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月20日 | Pictures
Gargoyles were made to drain rain water from the rooves of buildings. The water flows out of the gargoyle’s mouth. Some gargoyles are just decorations. They look like scary monsters in order to frighten away evil spirits. ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月18日 | Phrases
“Well, we’re never shopping here again. That’s for sure.” “Are you coming to my party tomorrow?” “For sure!” If something is “for sure”, it means there is no doubt. It’s definitely true! 「もう二度とこの店に来ない!絶対に!」 「明日のパーティーに来る?」 「もちろん!」 「For...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月17日 | TOEIC
“This isn’t going to be a large enough space for the seminar. Who is in charge for arranging the venue?” Find the mistake. large enough for the seminar in charge for the venue 「ゼミの会場にしては大きさが足りない。誰が会場を担当してるんだ?」 何かを担当している人は「in charge...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月17日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Verbs are great for describing things you do or things you want to do. Let’s take a look at some playtime verbs in this week’s video! 動詞は何かをすることや、したいことを言うのに便利です。今週の動画で遊びの時間の動詞を見てみましょう! Classroom Tip This is the second chant in Happy Valley 3. With only 4...