執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月04日 | Phrases
“When you live near a busy road, you get used to the sound of cars and sirens.” “This class was really hard at first, but after I got used to it, it was kind of fun.” When something new and unfamiliar becomes familiar to you, you “get...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月03日 | TOEIC
“We’ll get there faster if we take the expressive train.” Find the mistake. A. get there B. faster C. we take D. expressive...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月03日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Learn some breakfast words from this week’s video. Then you’ll have a chance to practice English every morning! 今週の動画で朝ごはんに関する言葉を覚えると、毎朝英語の練習ができますね! Classroom Tip This chant from Happy Valley 3, Unit 1, isolates vocabulary for popular breakfast foods....
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月02日 | Trivia
A boomerang is a traditional weapon from Australia. It’s a long flat piece of wood that in an “L” shape. It’s famous for coming back when thrown, but there are both returning and non-returning types. The ones that return are more commonly used for sport and...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年06月01日 | Idioms
“His life really went off the rails when he started abusing alcohol.” “The party went off the rails when someone tried to fill the whole pool with punch.” When a train goes off the rails, it is a big problem because it will crash and not reach its destination....