執筆者 Modern English | 2016年05月25日 | Idioms
“I can’t believe you guys threw me a birthday party.” “Well, I helped decorate, but John was the brains behind the operation.” Sometimes it takes many people to do something (something good like a birthday party, or something bad like a major crime). Often there is...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年05月24日 | Words
“Can you spare a dollar?” “Spare my life,” said the magical fish, “and I’ll grant you one wish.” In war stories or fairy tales, “spare” is often used to mean “not hurt or kill”. “Do what you want to me, but spare my children.” A more everyday use is “Can...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年05月23日 | Pictures
Fog is basically a cloud that is touching the ground. It’s dangerous to drive in, but it looks beautiful on the mountains in the distance. ...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年05月21日 | Phrases
“Oh dear, your clothes are all dirty. This won’t do. Come get changed before the party.” “This won’t do. The milk has expired. I can’t cook with this.” When something has gone wrong or isn’t good enough, we say it “won’t do”. 「あら、服が汚れてしまっている。これではダメね。パーティーの前に着替えましょう。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年05月20日 | TOEIC
“In this race, athletes from all around the country will compare to find out who is the fastest.” Find the mistake. A. athletes B. all around C. compare D. find out 「このレースで国中のアスリートが競い合って誰が一番早いかがわかります。」...