TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“There is always some risky of losing your money when you invest.” Find the mistake. A. There is B. always some C. risky of D. losing your money 「投資するときは必ずお金を失う危険はあります。」...

Yes! No! Practice these basic answers with Happy Valley’s Kinka and Pinka! イエス!ノー!ハッピーバレーのキンカとピンカと一緒に基本の返事を練習しましょう!

In this week’s video we use a song to practice the most basic words for answering questions, yes and no. 今週の動画では歌を使って一番簡単な返事の言葉、イエスとノーの練習をします。 Classroom Tip The Yes, No Song is great for working on answering Yes/No Questions. Use it with Unit 8 of Happy Valley...

Idiom of the Week: Lead With

“If you want to collect all the hearts, you should lead with a high-numbered heart.” “When making a speech, you should lead with a joke.” “Lead with” comes from card games, where the first person to play a card must decide which...

Word of the Week: Otherwise

“You have to clean your room. Otherwise, you won’t be able to find anything.” “You had better mow the lawn. Otherwise you won’t get your allowance this week.” “If the book is ripped, written on, or otherwise damaged,...