Word of the Week: Flexible

“We don’t know what time he’ll get here, so we have to be flexible with our schedule.” Something that is flexible can bend. If you are open to making changes in something, you are being flexible. If a plant is not flexible, it could break...

入会金無料!New Year キャンペーン実施中!

1月7日~2月14日までNew Yearキャンペーン実施中です! 入会金 通常大人・高校生10,000円、中学生・キッズ8,000円ですがキャンペーン中にご入会の方は無料となります! 2016年、この機会に英会話をはじめてみませんか? 少人数制なのでキャンペーン中の無料体験レッスンは混み合います。お早めのご予約を勧めいたします。 表示価格は税別価格です。...

Phrase of the Week: I Changed My Mind

“I thought you weren’t coming to this party.” “I wasn’t, but I changed my mind.” “At first Dad didn’t want to get a dog, but now he’s changed his mind.” When your opinion changes or you change a decision you...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“I’m afraid you can’t use this coupon; it has inspired.” Find the mistake. A. afraid B. coupon C. it has D. inspired 「このクーポンは期限が過ぎているのでご利用いただけません。」...

Trivia of the Week: Snow Angel

To make a snow angel, lie down in the snow with your arms and legs stretched out. Then move your arms up and down and your legs side to side, pushing the snow out of the way. The shapes your arms leave in the snow are the snow angel’s wings, and your legs create the...