執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月08日 | Words
“Who’s a good dog? You get a treat!” “I took the kids out for ice cream as a treat.” “I treated my friend to pizza on his birthday.” As a noun, a treat often means a sweet food, but it can mean any special food or experience,...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月07日 | Pictures
The well-known Christmas poem “The Night Before Christmas” starts out with these lines: ‘Twas the night before Christmas And all through the house Not a creature was stirring Not even a mouse. 有名なクリスマスの詩「クリスマスの前の晩」は、こう始まります。 クリスマスの前の晩...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月05日 | Phrases
“It may come as a surprise American exchange students, but in Japan, students clean their own classrooms as a matter of course.” A matter of course is something that is routine and unremarkable, to be expected....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月04日 | TOEIC
“I could not _____ my mother to let me buy a new video game console.” Fill in the blank. A. convince B. contract C. adopt D. threat 「新しいゲーム機を買ってくれるように母を納得させることはできなかった。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年12月04日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Moving around and dancing are great ways to make studying English fun and memorable. Try it with this week’s video! 体を動かしたり踊ったりしながら英語を学ぶと、とっても楽しく記憶力もアップします。今週の動画でやってみましょう! Classroom Tip My Body Wiggle can be use with Happy Valley Student Book 1, Unit 7. Enjoy...