執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月27日 | TOEIC
“The support ticket was closed because the issue was resolve.” Find the mistake. A. support ticket B. was closed C. because the issue D. was resolve 「問題が解決されましたのでテクニカルサポートのチケットを閉めました。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月27日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Let’s practice basic numbers with this week’s video! 今週の動画で基本の数字を練習しましょう! Classroom Tip After last week’s video, work more with counting and even trying to match the numbers they hear to the numerals. Play games, like having a student choose a flashcard,...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月26日 | Trivia
“I’m rooting for the Tigers in this game. They’re the underdogs.” The underdog or underdogs are the side of a game that seems likely to lose. If the teams or players are evenly matched, there is no underdog. If it’s logical to expect that...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月25日 | Idioms
“I don’t know why Mr. Smith was so mad. It was just a little mistake.” “Well, he runs a tight ship. He wants everything to be perfect for the customers.” A business or home is not a ship, but we can use ships as a metaphor for anything....
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年11月24日 | Words
Your spine is your backbone. It’s made of vertebrae. Animals that have backbones are called vertebrates. Animals without them are invertebrates. Metaphorically, having a spine allows you to stand up for yourself. “Don’t be spineless. Show those...