執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月05日 | Pictures
The most common squash in Japan is the kabocha or pumpkin squash, but there are many kinds, such as acorn squash and spaghetti squash. The more familiar orange pumpkin in America and the zucchini are also members of the squash family. 日本で一番良く知られているsquashは「pumpkin...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月03日 | Phrases
“I leaned over to pick up the pencil I had dropped.” “I have to pick up my daughter from soccer practice in half an hour.” “The sensor is picking up a signal!” “Pick up” has many meanings! 「落とした鉛筆をかがんで拾った。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月02日 | TOEIC
“It’s a difficult problem, but if we work together we can figure up a solution.” Find the mistake. A. difficult B. work together C. figure up D. solution 「難しい問題ですが皆で力を合わせれば解決法がわかるはずです。」 Cook upやthink...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月02日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
Colors are fun to look at, draw or say in English! Let’s learn more color words with this week’s video. 色は見るのも描くのも英語で言うのも楽しい!今週の動画でもっと色の単語を覚えましょう! Classroom Tip Learning colors with this song has never been more fun. Students don’t often have a chance to...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年10月01日 | Trivia
Roller skates are special shoes with wheels. They are more for fun than for transportation. Some types fit over normal shoes and are fastened with keys. You can go skating at a roller skating rink or on a quiet street, but the skating rink is much smoother....