Idiom of the Week: Asleep at the Wheel

“There were signs of trouble for a long time before the dam finally broke, but the corporation that manages it was asleep at the wheel.” A driver falling asleep at the steering wheel of his car is a common cause of car accidents. We can use this idiom to...

Word of the Week: Have

“Do you have your book?” “No, I left it at home.” “Hey, why don’t you get this book? It looks like something you would like.” “Yes, I already have it!” “Have” can mean that you own something or that you...

Picture of the Week: Pears

Pears are in season in September. Have you eaten any recently? Do these pears look like your local pears? 9月は梨が美味しい季節ですね。最近食べましたか?皆さんがよく見る梨はこの写真の梨に似ていますか?

Phrase of the Week: You’re the Best

“Can you drive me to the mall this afternoon?” “Sure, no problem.” “Thanks! You’re the best.” We tell someone “You’re the best” to express gratitude. They might not technically be the best in the world at a...

Modern English TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“If you want to take _____ in the festival, you must sign up by this Wednesday.” Fill in the blank. A. role B. part C. piece D. fun 「祭りに参加するなら水曜日までに登録しないといけません。」 「参加する」の部分に空欄があります。「Take」は「取る」など色々な意味はありますが、ここは決まったペアの片方です。Dのfunは、「祭りを楽しむ」という意味だったら「take...