執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月12日 | Phrases
“There’s no way you can climb that tree.” “Wanna bet?” “Wanna” is a slurred-together version of “want to”. More correctly, the phrase would be “Do you want to bet?” But the less formal version is more...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月11日 | TOEIC
“Doctors were unable to ______ the cause of his symptoms.” Fill in the blank. A. detriment B. determine C. undermine D. foresee 「医者たちは彼の症状の原因を突き止めることはできなかった。」 「突き止める」という意味の単語を空欄で埋めたいのですが、Aは名詞なのでアウトです。Dは「予知する」、Cは「こっそり邪魔をする」なので残るBが正解です。「決定する」という意味もあります。 Do...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月11日 | Happy Valley, Kids, News
“It’s a” can be a difficult word combination for young children to master, but it’s very common in English. Get some practice with it and have fun at the same time with this week’s video! 「It’s...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月10日 | Trivia
“Laughter is the best medicine” is a saying about how laughing can help you heal. Positive emotions seem to help people heal faster. However, when studying the healing powers of positive emotions, we should try to tell the difference between people healing...
執筆者 Modern English | 2015年09月09日 | Idioms
“Did you add that function to our website?” “No, I still need to tinker with it until it works right.” “My sister loves to take machines apart and tinker with them.” Tinkering is building or rebuilding something, usually a machine....