Word of the Week: Bush

“There are flowers blooming on that bush over there.” A bush is a kind of plant, smaller than a tree, but bigger than a vine or a flower. It’s like a tree that is short and close to the ground. Many bushes are not even as tall as a person. “The bush” can also mean an...

Picture of the Week: Canoe

A canoe is a long, light boat that is pointed at the ends. Have you ever paddled a canoe? When two people paddle at once, it is hard to cooperate and steer!...

Phrase of the Week: Tell Apart

“I’m not Sarah, I’m Sally!” “Oh! Sorry, I can’t tell you twins apart when you wear the same clothes.” When two things are similar, it’s hard to tell them apart. We also say “tell the difference”. Can you tell the difference between margarine and butter?...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

“The user experience is customized for each individuality.” Find the mistake. A. user experience B. is customized C. for each D. individuality 「個々のユーザーのためにユーザー体験がカスタマイズされます。」 「個々のユーザー」と言いたいので、「individuality」では足りません。「個性」という意味になりますが、誰の個性かを言わないと微妙です。ここは「individual...

Trivia of the Week: Jaguar

The jaguar is a beautiful spotted cat that lives in the rainforest in Central and South America. Not only can they climb trees, they can also swim. Sometimes a jaguar is born with all black fur, although if you look closely you can still see the spots....