執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月30日 | Phrases
Jane: Did Spot like the toy I bought him? Martha: Yes, he has already ripped it to shreds. Jane: Well, so much for that toy! We say “so much for X” when X has been destroyed or ended. In this case “so much” doesn’t mean “a lot” but “that specific amount.” The thing we...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月29日 | TOEIC
Without this _______ information we cannot make a decision. A. excruciating B. insignificant C. crucial D. cloying Bは「大したことがない」という意味です。Dは「(味覚的に)甘すぎる」、Aは「とても痛い」、Cは「重要」です。ここで合っているのはCです。「この重要な情報がないと決断ができない」という文章です。 Do more TOEIC practice here!...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月28日 | Trivia
Most cats have five toes on their front paws, but some cats have more. Cats with extra “fingers” are called polydactyl cats. They may not have the same number on both sides! They are also called Hemingway cats, because there are many polydactyl cats living at the home...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月27日 | Idioms
“This apartment is such a hole in the wall. I wish I could afford to live in a big house in a nice neighborhood.” A hole in the wall is a small, out-of-the-way place. It refers to an indoor place, such as a home or business. Although the connotation is not positive, a...
執筆者 Modern English | 2013年03月26日 | Words
Water can take several forms. When it gets cold and freezes, it becomes ice. When it gets hot and evaporates, it becomes steam. Steam can be used to power trains and cook food. Steam is invisible, but it condenses to form tiny floating water droplets in the air, and...