Word of the Week: Embarrassing

“Did you know you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe?” “Oh no! How embarrassing! Thank you for telling me.” When something embarrassing happens, it embarrasses you and you feel embarrassed. This is a common pattern in words about feelings. For example, confusing...

Picture of the Week: Easter Eggs

Easter is a holiday celebrating rebirth and spring. Eggs are symbols of birth because baby birds hatch from them. For Easter, people dye and paint eggs in cheerful or pastel colors. It is traditional to hide the eggs outside for children to find. You can also use...

Phrase of the Week: From Scratch

Bob: This cake is delicious! Where did you get it? Terry: I made it myself. Bob: Did you use a cake mix? Terry: No, I made it from scratch. When you make something from the raw ingredients, you make it from scratch. If you use anything pre-made, like a sauce, mix, or...