Phrase of the Week: Word of Mouth

Salesperson: Excuse me, ma’am, could you tell me how you heard of our product? Did you see our TV commercial or our magazine ad? Woman: No, I heard about it by word of mouth. All my friends are using it. “Word of mouth” means the spread of information by people...

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

A late fee is a _______ that is added when you do not pay your bill on time. A. punish B. penalty C. purpose D. priority 「延滞料は期限までに支払わなかった場合に発生する違約金です。」...

Trivia of the Week: Leap Year

One year is 365 days long, but the Earth does not take exactly 365 days to go around the sun once. To keep the seasons from slowly shifting into different months, we must add an extra day every four years. The day we add is February 29. Most years, February only has...

Idiom of the Week: All Greek to Me

Husband: How do you set the clock on this gadget? Wife: Well, I have the instruction manual, but it’s all Greek to me. Husband: Let’s just get the kids to do it. Most English speakers don’t know any Greek at all. When they see something they don’t understand in the...