Vote for Nathan

Nathan and Brad, our Happy Valley musicians, have entered a competition on Facebook with their band, Nathan and the Naturals. You can download their song and vote for them here or view their home page here.

TOEIC Practice Question of the Week

I usually leave 15 minutes early, but I was running late, so when the train is delayed, I was late for work. Where is the mistake? A. leave 15 minutes early B. was running late C. train is delayed D. was late for work 「いつもは15分早く出発しますが遅れてしまい、さらに電車が遅れたので仕事に遅刻してしまいました。」...

Trivia of the Week: New Year’s Resolutions

On January 1, people declare a goal for the new year. This is called a New Year’s resolution. Many people say they will exercise more or learn a new skill. But often they quit after only a month or two. Some people choose a very easy resolution as a joke (like “eat...

Idiom of the Week: Snowball

“Then the dog’s leash got tangled in a lawn chair, which got dragged into the neighbor’s yard.” “Really? That must have been funny.” “Yeah, if my boss hadn’t been sitting in the chair.” “Oh no!” “And then the dog turned a corner and the chair and my boss went in the...

Word of the Week: Pedestrian

Brakes: SCREEECH!!! Olive: What happened? Bruce: I almost hit that pedestrian! A pedestrian is a person who is walking. When driving, you should watch for pedestrians. When walking, you can use a pedestrian overpass to cross the road. ブレーキ音:キィ―――――ッ!! オリーブ:何があったの?...