Idiom of the Week: Time Flies

Grandpa: And how is little Jeremy? Mom: He’s not so little. He’s going off to college! Grandpa: Really? My, how time flies! They say that time moves very fast, especially when you are having fun. This is such an old and well-known phrase that we have an old and...

New Year キャンペーン 2/9までの入会で1ヶ月無料!

 New Year キャンペーンを2月9日(土)まで開催中です。キャンペーン期間中にご入会の場合、1ヶ月のお月謝が無料に!!新しいことを始めたいな~と思っている方は是非この機会に英会話をはじめて下さいね。詳しくはお電話またはウェブサイトからお問い合わせください。...

Word of the Week: Squeamish

Jane: You’re so smart, Sally. You should be a doctor or something when you grow up. Sally: Oh, no, I’m too squeamish. I can’t stand the sight of blood. A squeamish person is disturbed by disgusting or painful things. It is normal, but it can be a disadvantage in a...

Picture of the Week: Ice Sculpture

Ice sculptures do best when the weather is cold. Artists can carve dragons, swans, castles, anything, out of ice. You might see an ice sculpture at a wedding even in warmer weather, but it will melt quickly. <氷の彫刻>...

Phrase of the Week: Be my guest

Jake: Can I borrow your kitchen to make a sandwich? I’m starving. Clementine: Be my guest. Just don’t use all the pickles. This phrase is used to invite someone to do something. You can also say, “Go ahead.” Sometimes it implies that the speaker is not going to do the...