執筆者 Modern English | 2012年10月04日 | Trivia
During an electrical storm, it is safest to be indoors or inside a car. In a car, you are safe because you are surrounded by metal. If the car is struck by lightning, the metal will lead the electricity into the ground. Indoors, you should never talk on a phone with a...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年10月03日 | Idioms
“Where’s Bob? He’s usually the first one here.” “You won’t be seeing him around here anymore. He got axed!” “Really? What happened?” “The boss found out he was brewing his own beer in the storage room.” To be axed is to be fired from a job. It compares being fired to...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年10月02日 | Words
Ellen: Did you see the new building down the road? It’s finally finished. Opal: Yeah! But what an eyesore! Ellen: I know! It’s a real monstrosity. An eyesore is something really ugly. If your neighbor puts up a big ugly decoration in his yard, you might complain that...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年10月01日 | Pictures
Northumberland has lots of wildlife. It is a great place for salmon and trout fishing, has lots of deer, otters, puffins, red squirrels and wild badgers. The most famous wild animals are the Chillingham cattle. This is the last herd of wild cattle now living free in...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年09月29日 | Phrases
“This is the last straw! I’ve had it!” The last straw is the straw that broke the camel’s back. A camel can carry a lot, but if you keep adding straw it will eventually become too heavy. The last straw is the difference between a load of straw the camel can just...