Word of the Week: Lapdog

A lapdog is a cute little dog that fits on a person’s lap. Unlike working dogs or hunting dogs, lapdogs were bred to be companions to people. They are popular today because they take up less space in small apartments. Some breeds of lapdog are the Chihuahua, the pug,...

Picture of the Week: Zeppelin

A zeppelin flies because it is full of a gas that is lighter than air. The first zeppelin flew on July 2, 1900. What is the difference between a zeppelin and a blimp? A zeppelin has rigid “bones” but a blimp does not. A blimp is more like a balloon. The most famous...

Trivia of the Week: Paul Bunyan

June 28 is Paul Bunyan Day. Paul Bunyan is an American folk tale. He was a giant lumberjack. They say he created the Grand Canyon with his axe. That’s how big he was. His pet was a giant blue ox named Babe. He carved Babe from a mountain so he wouldn’t be lonely....