Trivia of the Week: Japanese English: Challenge

Challenge: Another translation of 頑張って or 頑張っています。In English, challenge is mainly used in one of two ways. We would say, ‘I challenge you to a game of tennis,’ meaning I want to play you at tennis (because I want to beat you.) This is now somewhat old-fashioned. More...

Idiom of the Week: It’s on the house!

“How much do I owe you for the coffee, Bill?” “Don’t worry about it, Bob. It’s on the house.” If someone gives you something for free, it’s “on the house.” The “house” (the restaurant or café) pays for it for you. In the dialogue above, the Bob calls Bill by his first...

Word of the Week #11: ice cream

It’s not ice! Ice is just frozen water. It has no flavor, and it’s hard. Ice cream is a sweet dessert made from milk. In addition to plain bowls, you can also eat it in the form of an ice cream cone or an ice cream sundae. It comes in many flavors. Standard flavors...