執筆者 Modern English | 2012年05月25日 | TOEIC
It is more easier for me to write with a pen than a brush. Which part of the sentence is incorrect? A. more B. for me C. with a D. than a この文のどこが間違っていますか?...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年05月24日 | カテゴリーなし
How many years are there in a decade? There are ten! The “dec” part of the word means “ten”. You can find it in other words such as “decimal” and “decimetre” (one tenth of a metre). How many years in a century? One hundred! “Cent” means one hundred. There are one...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年05月23日 | Idioms
“Are you sure it’s safe?” “What are you, chicken? Buk buk bukaaaw!” “Chicken” is used to mean “coward”. In movies, the main character often does something dangerous because someone called him chicken. Don’t try this at home! 「これは本当に安全なのかな?」「何、怖気づいた?コケコッコー!」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年05月22日 | Words
“I will definitely come tomorrow.” We use “definitely” when we are absolutely certain of something. There is no doubt that it is true. It’s 100 percent impossible that we are wrong. 「明日は絶対来る。」...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年05月21日 | Pictures
There are many creatures to be careful of in Australia, and one of them is the Box Jellyfish. Box Jellyfish can be found in coastal waters of Northern Australia. The main jellyfish season is from November to June. It is not safe to swim as the sting from a Box...