執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月06日 | TOEIC
______ greyhounds love to run outdoors, they can often live happily in small apartments. A. Since B. Because C. Although D. In case...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月05日 | Trivia
In English we would say, ‘I go at my own pace.’ ‘My pace’ is never used in the third person, so when referring to another, we would say, ‘He goes at his own pace.’ The often-heard phrase, ‘She is my pace,’ is nonsensical in English and should be, ‘She does things at...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月04日 | Idioms
“How was the movie?” “It was such a sad story! There wasn’t a dry eye in the house!” This is what we say when everyone in the audience cries while watching a play or movie. That is, everyone’s eyes are wet with tears. A sad scene or a sad story succeeds in making the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月03日 | Words
“It’s chilly out today! Don’t forget your jacket!” 「今日は寒いから、ジャケットを忘れないで!」 We use “chilly” to describe cold weather, or feeling cold. “Are you warm enough?” “Actually, I’m a bit chilly.” 寒い天気、寒く感じることを「chilly」で表現します。...
執筆者 Modern English | 2012年04月02日 | Pictures
This is a famous UK image. ER II stands for Queen Elizabeth 2nd. R stands for ‘Regina’ – Latin for Queen. This dates the post box as being from 1952 on. Previous rulers were noted as GR, George Rex (King) ER, Edward Rex, VR, Victoria Regina. ポストボックス...