執筆者 Modern English | 2016年11月19日 | Phrases
“I liked the movie. How about you?” “I’m allergic to peanuts. How about you?” “Betty has a cat. How about you?” “How about you?” can mean many things, depending on the topic of the conversation in which it is used. In these examples, it could mean: “Did you like the...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年11月18日 | TOEIC
“This coupon titles the holder to one free small soda with the purchase of any sandwich.” Find the mistake. A. titles B. holder C. purchase D. any 「このクーポンを提示したら、サンドウィッチ購入時に無料でSサイズのソフトドリンクがついてきます!」 クーポンを見ると、大きな文字で「FREE* SODA!」と書いてあり、小さな文字で「*with...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年11月17日 | Trivia
A slug is like a snail but it has no shell. It has four tentacles on its face—two that can see and two that can smell. Many slugs actually do have shells, but inside their bodies. Sea slugs live in the sea, but land slugs also need a lot of water, so they are more...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年11月16日 | Idioms
“This table is too heavy to move by myself. Can you lend me a hand?” “Beth is moving house this weekend so I’m going to go lend her a hand.” If a person had four hands instead of two, could they do twice as much work? When someone “lends a hand”, they usually use...
執筆者 Modern English | 2016年11月15日 | Words
“The excited children surrounded the man dressed as Santa Claus.” “The yard is surrounded by a fence.” “There’s no escape! We’re surrounded by enemies!” “Surround” often appears in the passive voice. It means that something is present on all sides. If you put speakers...